Posted by Edwin van der Vaart on 06/16/07 21:46
Tony Vella wrote:
> I installed Acehtml 6.05.08 on my new Vista machine and it worked
> perfectly until recently. Two days ago I received a notification from
> Visicom telling me I should upgrade to version 6.60.00 which is 100%
> Vista compatible and that I do not need to uninstall 6.0 but simply
> install 6.6 on top of it. I did just that and now I am having problems
> I have never had with Acehtml -- every so often it tells me the program
> encountered an internal problem and must shut down. It has happened a
> couple of dozen times and now I'm regretting having upgraded. Can
> anyone please tell this frustrated old geezer how to get rid of 6.6 and
> go back to my 6.0? Thanks in advance for all assistance.
If you have the installer of v6.0 then uninstall 6.6 and reinstall 6.0.
Otherwise (most not advisable method).
Try to do a system recovery till before you installed the upgrade.
start -> all programs -> accessory -> system workbench (something like
that) -> system recovery.
Edwin van der Vaart Links to Semiconductors sites Edwin's persoonlijke web site
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