Posted by Michael Fesser on 06/17/07 14:35
>Problem solved! It was a resources issue. I had increased the
>memory_limit in php.ini from the default 8M to 24M on the basis that I
>was getting about 50% of the process to work therefore 3 time the
>memory_limit should more than cope. When that didn't work I discarded
>it as a solution especially as the dropdowns continued to stop in the
>same place. More out of frustration than anything else I bumped it up
>still further to 32M and it worked!
PHP usually complains ("memory limit exhausted ...") when it runs out of
You could also use memory_get_usage() to check how much memory your
scripts eats (for example you could insert such a call before and after
the creation of one dropdown to get its size).
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