Posted by Chris F.A. Johnson on 06/19/07 03:16
On 2007-06-18, Travis Newbury wrote:
> On Jun 16, 12:49 am, "Chris F.A. Johnson" <cfajohn...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> > My point exactly. To the casual surfer (read that as almost everyone
>> > but a professional web designer) that website looks and works
>> > perfectly fine.
>> You have a strange definition of "looks and works fine":
>> <http://cfaj.freeshell.org/testing/sagewreath.shtml>
> No, you just do not use the default settings like most other people
> do.
Why would I do that. Rather than broken pages, I would see
unreadable pages.
> Look, I agree the page falls apart if you change the font size. I can
> get my browser to screw up just about any page if I try hard enough.
> So should the Web designer be overly concerned? Probably not because
> the vast majority of your visitors will not see that. To them the
> page will look and work just fine.
When making a page readable over a large range of settings is so
easy, why would one do anything else?
Chris F.A. Johnson <http://cfaj.freeshell.org>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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