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Re: Memory leak in PHP

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/18/07 18:26

gosha bine wrote:
> On 18.06.2007 16:15 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> gosha bine wrote:
>>> On 18.06.2007 14:11 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>> gosha bine wrote:
>>>>> On 18.06.2007 04:30 Benjamin wrote:
>>>>>> On Jun 16, 3:35 am, gosha bine <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Benjamin wrote:
>>>>>>>> I've heard that the Zend Engine's garage collector is not
>>>>>>>> perfect, so
>>>>>>>> can someone demonstrate how to create a memory leak in PHP?
>>>>>>> ZE doesn't use garbage collector, it implements reference counting
>>>>>>> algorithm that is notorious for its inability to handle circular
>>>>>>> references. If you have an object A that holds a reference to B,
>>>>>>> and B
>>>>>>> directly or indirectly refers back to A, neither A nor B will be
>>>>>>> freed
>>>>>>> until the script ends.
>>>>>> According to Wikipedia (
>>>>>> Reference_counting), reference counting is a form of garbage
>>>>>> collecting.
>>>>> The nice thing about Wikipedia is that if you find wrong or
>>>>> confusing information there, you can correct it immediately. ;)
>>>> Except in this case it is not wrong or confusing. It is a method of
>>>> garbage collection.
>>> Well, I know at least two people who are already confused. ;)
>>> Before starting the next meaningless scholastic discussion about
>>> terms, make sure you do understand how GCs work and what is the
>>> difference between "tracing"/"full-automatic" GCs and reference
>>> counting.
>> Believe me - I know how garbage collection works. I haven't been
>> programming longer than you've been alive without finding out.
>> You really need to understand the terminology before you start telling
>> people they're wrong.
> Of course, I believe you, Jerry. Everyone knows you are an experienced
> programmer and smart polemicist.

And everyone knows you're full of horse hockey.

Learn what garbage collection is - then figure it out for yourself. You
seem to think the way Java does it is the only way. It's not.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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