Posted by szymon.strus on 06/21/07 08:59
On Jun 19, 12:29 pm, Erland Sommarskog <> wrote:
> ( writes:
> > Updating statistics didn't changed anything. Running the query from
> > the query analyzer takes about 5 seconds for both servers. Cursor from
> > my example is keyset-driven. Database Tuning Advisor for the specified
> > query created few indexes but it also hasn't speed up execution of
> > query.
> Next step would be to try DECLARE CUSROR KEYSET from Query Analyzer on both
> servers. The plan for a keyset or a dynamic cursor can be quite different
> from the plan for a specific query.
Below are duration times of execution following commands:
declare test_cursor cursor <cursor_type>
for Select ...
open test_cursor
fetch next from test_cursor
close test_cursor
deallocate test_cursor
SQL 2000
Dynamic 332
Static 4997
Keyset 263
Forward_only 359
Dynamic 297
Static 5286
Keyset 299
Forward_only 343
So as you can see for keyset driven cursor (which is the same as from
my example) the results are quite nice but it didn't solve the problem
with ADO :/ I'm afraid that the only solution is to use some other
data access technology :(
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