Posted by John Hosking on 06/22/07 17:06
RvT wrote:
> On 21 jun, 23:04, Bergamot <berga...@visi.com> wrote:
>> And please stop top posting. If you spent any time lurking in this group
>> before jumping in, you'd know the accepted posting practices.
> I see a question and I answer it in order to help someone out. If you
> don't like it, so be it, but I find your hostility quite out of place.
It's not hostility, friend. It's a useful tip about how to get along in
the NG. Like somebody advising which fork to use for the salad, or that
you should cover your mouth when you yawn. (And BTW, don't yawn.)
Top-posting is, indeed, very much disliked here. I, too, would
appreciate it if you'd avoid it. No hostility intended.
Lurking and reading FAQs seem to be lost skills these days, but they're
useful for those folks (surely this includes you) who really want to be
helpful in a NG.
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