Posted by J.O. Aho on 06/22/07 14:27
Malli mindwave wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using the yahoowebHostiing service for my company website, In
> that one screen of the SendComments/FeedBack section is there, I'm
> basically dot.net develeoper ,but yahoowebhosting not
> support .asp,.aspx files, it supports PHP files,
> I'm searching in JavaScript ,but not found any matter,
> I'don't Know PHP.I'm having lot of pressure of higer officials.Please
> help me on this.
> Please give the Details of the PHP to send form data to given mail id
> Name,email,phoneNo, Commnets...........thease are the fileds and by
> click send it would be come to given to address mail id,
> and how to run the php code, Please send the PHPCODE and Procee,I will
> put it on the server
If your webhost allows the usage of mail(), it's quite simple
---- form.html ----
<html><head><title>Form Page</title></head><body>
<form action="send.php">
Email:<input text="e-mail"><br>
Short message:<input text="msg"><br>
---- eof ----
---- send.php ----
//As we are lazy, we don't want to set a from address on the mail, as
//it's the place where spammers can inject extra headers and that way send
//spam to the whole world, so we put everything into the message body
Senders e-mail address: {$_POST['e-mail']}
The message sent to us: {$_POST['msg']}
//we set the headers to null as we don't want to add any
//Here we send the mail to youraddress@exmple.net
//We hardcode the address here, or else spammers could
//select to send the mail to anyone else than you
mail('youraddress@exmple.net','Form mail subject',$messagebody,$messageheaders);
<html><head><title>Form Page</title></head><body>
Thanks for your feedback
---- eof ----
You have www.php.net with the online manual with tons of useful user comments
to get the information you need. Just remember to not trust data that is
posted to a mail form, as there are too many US spammers who will take
advantage of any sloopy coding you have made, no matter if you use PHP, Perl
or even basic.
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