Posted by MI5Victim on 06/23/07 02:41
From: huge@axalotl.demon.co.uk (Hugh Davies)
Newsgroups: uk.misc
Subject: Re: persecution rant (re-post)
Reply-To: huge@axalotl.demon.co.uk
Date: Sun Jan 7 04:43:41 1996
Yo, Mike, Happy New Year! Haven't you killed yourself yet?
In article <DKMIs5.158.0.bloor@torfree.net>, bu765@torfree.net (Mike Corley) wri
>For anyone who hasn't yet read this,
There is no-one in the known Universe who hasn't read this at least 5 times.
>and really really wants to then here
No-one wants to read it, Mike. It's drivel.
>is the article that was posted last year in this newsgroup....
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again....
Subject: persecution rant (re-post)
Newsgroups: uk.misc
Organization: Toronto Free-Net
>Yo, Mike, Happy New Year! Haven't you killed yourself yet?
But I can't, you see then I wouldn't know how things would turn out
("we're only doing this because we don't know how it's all going to end"
- logic error in line 100)
>There is no-one in the known Universe who hasn't read this at least 5 times.
It doesn't seem to have done a whole lot of good since the good old
persecution stuff is still going on. Over Christmas I was flying BA and
got hassled by a couple of people on the flight (sounds like something
you've heard before, doesn't it?). All the usual stuff about the town I'd
been staying, "he doesn't know who we are", self-justification that we're
doing it because he's a "nutter" etc. Real friendly like. Also a fairly
obvious wind-up and attempt to get some reaction. I think they're trying
quite hard to get a reaction.
If I hit someone on a flight over the Atlantic, am I actually breaking
any laws, and if so whose? Is a BA aircraft British territory subject to
British laws while it's in mid-flight? It is really tempting to "reply"
and that's obviously what they want, so who am I to refuse a blow to the
head for people who ask for it so consistently?
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