Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 06/23/07 14:49
Neredbojias wrote:
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty scribed:
>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>> Okay, thanks, I pretty much get it now. The prob is I'm just not
>>> that familiar with php in depth. ...
>> You must be doing something wrong. <g>
> If you were ever a woman in a past life, we might have been married.
I don't think I'll answer that one...
>>> Mozilla seems to be the only one of the major offerings that doesn't
>>> suffer from this anomoly.
>> Most of my pages are done with PHP, and I do not experience what you
>> describe, with any browser.
> Okay, I checked Opera and found to my amazement that I didn't have
> the default bg set (-or rather, it was set to white.) 'Could've
> swore I set that, but it was several updates ago so the Opera company
> is probably the one at fault...
Normally, white is a modern browser's default background color. Earlier
ones used grey, as I recall, old Netscapes, old IEs. In my most-used
browsers, I always set something different, so I can see when authors
forget to assign a background color. It makes for some interesting
> That leaves ie6, which will be ie6. (Have ie7 on another box; will
> check it later.)
IE6 was white, as I recall.
> There's still a delay, but with a dark bg, it's not too bad.
If there is a delay that is truly caused by using PHP, you must be
coding something odd, or it is your web server's fault. Mine all have no
delay whatsoever, in any browser.
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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