Posted by Andy Dingley on 06/27/07 09:58
On 27 Jun, 06:30, Nikolay Kurtov <nkur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to have little spaces between lines inside a paragraph and a
> BIG space between different paragraphs.( Paragraph is just some
> sentances connected semantically, not a HTML tag <p> ).
HTML doesn't have a "paragraph separator". Instead it uses "paragraph
containers" (<p> ... </p>). It's important to remember the
difference, because you can't really change this; working "against
HTML" is harder than working with it.
You should use the <p> tags to identify the start of paragraphs in
HTML. That's how it's meant to work, that's how it works best and most
easily. If you have "sentences connected semantically" then that's a
paragraph in HTML and you should mark it up as one. If you _insist_ on
not using <p>, then use <div> (you can nest <div>s)
If you want to understand how margins work in CSS, particularly
"collapsing vertical margins", then read this: http://brainjar.com/css/positioning/
As to your spacing issues, then just the CSS defaults on correct HTML
markup ought to be a good start for you.
If you want to vary line height within a paragraph, use
p { line-height: 1.2; }
Note that there are no dimensions on the 1.2 value! Don't use ems
here. 1.2 is the "typical" default, so make it larger or smaller
according to what you want.
If you want more spacing between paragraphs, set the bottom margin to
be bigger
p { margin-bottom: 2.5em; }
"Collapsing margins" means that you only need to set one margin,
usually the bottom is best. Use em units here.
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