Posted by Neredbojias on 06/27/07 22:01
On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 13:00:17 GMT Andy Dingley scribed:
> On 26 Jun, 00:53, Neredbojias <neredboj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > It means, "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Render Here"
>> Nay, Androcles, it means "Abandon all hope, ye who render here."
>> (I had a persnickety prof once whom rf reminds me of...)
> The original source is of course, "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi
> ch'intrate"
> How you translate this depends on who's translation you favour. Your
> prof appears to have liked the Rev. Cary's, even though this is
> generally agreed to have been a bad and Bowdlerised translation in
> general (I only read mine for the pictures). It's probably the closest
> literal translation though.
> Dorothy L. Sayers is a much-loved translation overall, but this is one
> of those instances where she went just a bit florid.
> The translation I usually read myself is Mark Musa's generally good
> one and he's one of the few sources for the version I cited (possibly
> a mistake? or why if it's a deliberate change?). It's arguably
> inaccurate as a translation and contrary to the author's intention
> (Should one lose _all_ hope? Should _all_ lose hope?). However in
> fairness to M$oft (I don't say that often), I think it's closer to my
> meaning for its adaption. I'm not _that_ mean to them as to suggest
> that nothing ever works, but they are ubiquitous.
Well, I read the "DC Classics" version myself, and in there it said...
Seriously, you seem to be better versed in it than I (-pun intended.)
However, I did (ab)use the line once in a story of my own and really
couldn't remember where the "all" went so I looked it up. My 'prof' was
a spinster-to-be named McCarthy who gave me a well-done for sitting in
the front row.
> Obviously who we need here is an Italian web designer...
Luigi! Oh, no!!
Once I had a little bird
That made me rather hasty.
So now I have no little bird,
But it was very tasty.
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