Posted by shimmyshack on 06/28/07 10:08
On Jun 28, 7:56 am, "Pablo" <p...@nospam.com> wrote:
> "shimmyshack"
> wrote
> > try showing us the code that does the emailing, rather than the code
> > that tries 5 times to add a serial number to the end of a string.
> <?PHP
> function serialize()
> {
> $file="serial.txt";
> for ($try = 0; $try < 5; $try++)
> {
> $fp = fopen($file, "a+");
> if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { // do an exclusive lock
> fseek($fp, 0);
> $id = fread($fp, 1024);
> $id++;
> ftruncate($fp, 0);
> fwrite($fp, strval($id));
> flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // release the lock
> break;
> }
> else
> {
> sleep(1);
> continue;
> }
> }
> fclose($fp);
> return $id;
> }
> $mail_text="Dear Sirs,\nthis is my question for you...........\n\r";
> $mail_text.=$_REQUEST['body_of_question']."\n\n";
> $mail_text.="Serial n.".serialize()."\n\n";
> $mail_subject="Questions";
> $mail_to=$_REQUEST['mailto'];
> $mail_from=$_REQUEST['_mailfrom'];
> $sended=@mail( $mail_to, $mail_subject, $mail_text, "From:
> {$mail_from}\n" );
> ?>
from that I can't see why, however you are encouraged to use PhpMailer
or some other email class tp send your mail. At least that way will
know that the implementation is ok, the way you are currently using
the mail() call could lead to problems as you dont appear to be
santitising the input.
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