Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/28/07 22:13
jb wrote:
> Hi all, ive been tasked with reviewing a php app for sql injection
> vulnerabilities left behind by another developer. I'm not a php
> developer by trade, but ive tinkered with php, and I have a firm
> handle on what sql injection is in the context of other platforms.
> Ive seen various methods of prevention recommended, and unfortunately
> for me, our former developer appears to have used all of them in
> various parts of the app. Some use mysql_escape_string, some use
> myql_real_escape_string , some use a quote_smart function which checks
> the magic quotes setting and uses addslashes appropriately.
> But one has me a little confused, and i'm not sure if it is a valid
> method for blocking sql injection.
> where username = \"" . $_COOKIE["user"] . "\"";
> does wrapping the string in double quotes somehow tell mysql to treat
> the contents within as literal? Thus making it sql injection safe?
No, this is not injection safe.
And sql injection can be very insidious. I highly recommend you get an
experienced PHP person to help you with it. Especially since your
developer wasn't consistent in how he handled the possible injections.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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