Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/29/07 14:25
Andrew Bailey wrote:
> "Froefel" <hansdeschryver@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1183042357.606730.12700@m36g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>> I'm looking for a way to restrict a listbox from resizing
>> horizontally.
>> The listbox sits within a <td> and has a style="width=100%;"
>> This makes sure that the listbox is always as wide as its (fixed-
>> width) <td>, nomatter how short the text of the items.
>> However, when the text of an item is longer than the listbox width,
>> the listbox is resized horizontally to accommodate the text. I would
>> like to prevent that from happening, so that either the text gets cut
>> off, or a horizontal scroll bar appears.
>> Can this be done with CSS or any other way?
>> -- Hans
> Hi Hans,
> If you mean...
> <select........>
> <option........>
> <option........>
> </select>
> (I believe they're called either "dropdown menus" or "combo boxes")....
There is no "combobox" in HTML, but requires the pairing of a text
input with a select element and some JavaScript....but using the size
attribute will give you the traditional listbox
<select size="5">
> then you are on the right track by using "style" to force a width. You
> mention that the containing <td> has a fixed width, why don't you try adding
> that width to the "style" option instead of 100%?
> <select style="width: 300" .......>
Well, no this in incorrect the width property would require the units.
<select style="width: 300px" ... >
or better:
<select style="width: 30em" ... >
Take care,
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