Posted by none on 06/29/07 12:32
Bob Bedford wrote:
> "none" <""arjen\"@(none)"> a écrit dans le message de news:
> 4684f2a2$0$23724$
>> Bob Bedford wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've to resize uploaded images with the "imagecopyresampled" but when
>>> I've images quite large (common those days) I reach the 16mb limits of
>>> the ISP.
>>> How can I fix this ? I absolutely need to resize such images.
>>> Bob
>> Iirc Imagemagick handles these resizes more memory efficiently
>> Check Imagick in php>5
> Thanks for replying Arjen,
> for what I've readed, it needs to install something on the server. I've no
> access to the server neither command line or exec functions.
> It's there any way to use it or maybe I'm wrong (I've checked the site
> and
> Bob
see phpinfo() and check for imagick and on the shell try #locate convert
to see if imagemagicks convert has been installed.
Otherwise tell your provider he's an idiot and ask for imagemagick :-)
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