Posted by Randy Yates on 06/29/07 19:33
Andy Dingley <dingbat@codesmiths.com> writes:
> On 29 Jun, 17:25, Randy Yates <y...@ieee.org> wrote:
>> Is there a way to have a reference to, say,http://mysite1.org/file1.pdfto
>> be "forwarded" tohttp://mysite2.org/file2.pdf?
> Host on Apache
> Configure this in .htaccess with a 301 or 302 (temporary) redirect.
> Easy.
I think I can do that - I have a VM hosted web account where I think I
"own" my own httpd.
> Search the group archives on mapping one domain onto another, for the
> whole site. It's a fairly common question.
I only wanted certain files within the "mysite1" domain to operate this way,
not all on the entire domain.
% Randy Yates % "Rollin' and riding and slippin' and
%% Fuquay-Varina, NC % sliding, it's magic."
%%% 919-577-9882 %
%%%% <yates@ieee.org> % 'Living' Thing', *A New World Record*, ELO
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