Posted by gosha bine on 07/02/07 18:26
Ale wrote:
> Hi... I started to "program" in PHP (better say to read it :P) from a
> few days because I am installing a Wiki on a virtual server (Windows
> Server 2003 with Plesk 7.6). I have PHP5 and all is working just fine.
> However, I am trying to parse latex equations and encountered some
> troubles. I have already installed all the necessary software and when
> I execute the following by command line:
> C:\miktex\bin\latex.exe --output-directory=C:\Inetpub\vhosts\mysite.com
> \httpdocs\wiki\images\\tmp\\ --interaction=nonstopmode C:\a.tex
> I generate the right file in the right folder. However, when I try to
> execute (adding it to a PHP routine that is executed for sure):
> $command = "C:\miktex\bin\latex.exe --output-directory=C:\Inetpub
> \vhosts\mysite.com\httpdocs\wiki\images\\tmp\\ --
> interaction=nonstopmode C:\a.tex";
> $text = exec($command);
> it doesn't happen anything. Permissions in tmp should be fine... do
> you have any suggestion?
> Thanks
> Ale
Add 2>&1 to your command and look what it says (make use of exec's
second param)
gosha bine
extended php parser ~ http://code.google.com/p/pihipi
blok ~ http://www.tagarga.com/blok
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