Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/03/07 00:05
Ale wrote:
> Hi - I simplified the code at the maximum and wrote:
> <?php
> $fp = fopen(".\f.tex","a+");
> fputs($fp,'s_1');
> fclose($fp);
> echo exec('2>&1; latex .\a.tex');
> ?>
> f.tex is written in the same folder where the PHP page is executed,
> showing that I have the proper permissions on the folder. When I
> execute
> latex .\a.tex
> from shell, where a.tex is a properly formatted latex source, all work
> fine.
> However, "echo exec('2>&1; latex .\a.tex'); " does not provide the
> attended results, not giving any output file. It returns the message
> "operable program or batch file".
> I really have no idea what is wrong :(
> Cheers,
> Ale
Maybe your webserver user doesn't have the authority to execute your
latex command.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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