Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/03/07 01:37
Ale wrote:
> unfortunately I checked and that is not the problem... both for
> cmd.exe and latex.exe.
> As a matter of fact I get this message "operable program or batch
> file" and not access denied as was happening before I solved this
> issue (I think)
>> Ale wrote:
>>> Hi - I simplified the code at the maximum and wrote:
>>> <?php
>>> $fp = fopen(".\f.tex","a+");
>>> fputs($fp,'s_1');
>>> fclose($fp);
>>> echo exec('2>&1; latex .\a.tex');
>>> ?>
>>> f.tex is written in the same folder where the PHP page is executed,
>>> showing that I have the proper permissions on the folder. When I
>>> execute
>>> latex .\a.tex
>>> from shell, where a.tex is a properly formatted latex source, all work
>>> fine.
>>> However, "echo exec('2>&1; latex .\a.tex'); " does not provide the
>>> attended results, not giving any output file. It returns the message
>>> "operable program or batch file".
>>> I really have no idea what is wrong :(
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ale
>> Maybe your webserver user doesn't have the authority to execute your
>> latex command.
It sounds like it's trying to say something like "not an operable
program or batch file". It can still occur if the directory is
Check your security for the file and directory. Ensure your webserver
user has read authority on the directory and read and execute on the file.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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