Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 07/04/07 17:47
David Segall wrote:
> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" wrote:
>> David Segall wrote:
>>> Can you post the URL of a site of yours, or anyone else, that does
>>> this?
>> You may look at a couple of mine if you wish.
>> http://www.freezeblock.com/
> At 800x600 <http://www.freezeblock.com/homeowner.php> looks fine
> except for the link to the installation process which seems to have an
> error in the line (Firefox
What is the error you see, and what told you of the error? Neither the
W3C nor Firefox Firebug report any errors.
> At 1680x1050 I think the line length of the first two lines is far too
> long although I like the way you have used the illustrations and the
> boxed testimonials to limit the lenghth of subsequent lines. You seem
> to have given up on <http://www.freezeblock.com/install.php> so it
> looks like a fixed width page except that the heading looks centered
> at 800x600 and right justified at 1680x1050.
Do you really use your browser window maximized? <g>
>> http://www.fingerlakesbmw.org/
> You were very brave to include a table
> <http://www.fingerlakesbmw.org/stuff/flmodels.php> in your candidate
> site.
How else would you display a table of data, other than with a table?
This is what tables are for. Brave? No, I use the proper markup.
> It could hardly be defined as "liquid" since you have limited
> the width and I think the headings are not corectly aligned at the
> maximimum width.
The width of the table fits the data presented, short widths of numbers.
>> A browser window 'round 800 or so gives the better reading line
>> length, but the pages will fit in any sized window within reason.
> I'm sure you do not expect your site to be usable on a Palm Treo at
> 320x320 and I totally agree that this is not "within reason". The post
I've seen the site on a Palm something-or-other and it seemed to work
rather well.
> that I responded to did not qualify "any resolution" and it typifies a
> number of posts in similar threads that make pious statements about
> how a web page should be designed without providing any guidance on
> how to achieve it.
I was pious? Ok, let's see your efforts.
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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