Posted by rf on 07/13/07 06:07
<clive@notindia.info> wrote in message
> In article <bvnd931evs9ikb1is6i2a7h4lvmp9s80sj@4ax.com>, netizen@gmx.de
> says...
>> .oO(clive@notindia.info)
>> >In article <h5hd93plmd6rgrj0udjklodij1o1ksnvvp@4ax.com>, netizen@gmx.de
>> >says...
>> >>
>> >> http://e.org/wiki/UTC
>> >> http://www./search?q=utc
>> >
>> >I asked for an answer here not for a bunch of advertising
>> >for websites.
>> *LOL* You're kidding, aren't you? The links I posted would have given
>> you tons of answers and detailed explanations.
>> You should always try to search for an answer yourself before posting in
>> a newsgroup. That way you'll get an answer _much_ faster in many cases.
>> Learn how to use a search engine and Wikipedia.
>> Micha
> What is wrong with you newsgroup morons?
If you *really* don't know what UTC is then when you do find out, you are
also going to find out who the actual moron is.
> Doesnt it occur to you I might just have done that if I were able?
No it didn't occur to us. You haven't told us yet. You haven't actually told
us anything, except that you are an arrogant bastard.
> I asked in a newsgroup because I dont have WEB access at the moment.
Ah, so now we know. You have usenet access but not web access. What a
strange condition.
So trot down to the local library and use their computer. The amout of time
you have wasted already on this would have allowed you to drive to the next
states local library.
> Stop being a newsgroup smart arse and just answer the questions asked or
> keep your idiot mouth shut.
OK. I will keep my mouth shut on your answer. I do know the answer to your
trivial question. I however am not now going to tell *you*. Stop being an
arrogant bastard.
> Also this is not an advertising forum for commercial web sites - your
> post contravenes the group charter.
Har har har! Please dig up the groups charter and read it. Telling morons
where google groups is so they can answer their own trivial question is
probably the best thing to be done in this or any other newsgroup.
> Learn to answer the questions asked instead of making up your own half
> witted ones to answer wasting everyones time.
You obviously feel you did not get the service you required here. Why don't
you ask for your money back.
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