Posted by roN @ work on 07/13/05 15:50
I start a session (session_start();) and then I display a form where users
can enter their access-data.
If the data are okay I'm gonna display a link where I use a pointer defined
in the first file as well. I tried to pass the pointer like:
$_SESSION['mbox']= $mbox; but in the secondfile where I placed a
session_start(); at the start as well I get "Notice: Undefined index: mbox
in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/php/nospam/pop.php on line 166" after the line:
$mbox = $_SESSION['mbox'];
Do I got to pass the SID to the 2nd file as well? How? And how to use it in
the 2nd file?
Thank you!
chEErs roN
I'm root. I'm allowed to do this! ;)
keep on rockin'
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