Posted by Milan Krejci on 07/13/07 13:23
Markus napsal(a):
> Milan Krejci schrieb:
>> hello,
>> if i do $replace='<'.$key.'>'; it doesnt work as expected! i'm a
>> little confused any help?
> I don't see a problem there - you might want to post further
> information, about what you want to do, how the code looks like, what
> result is expected, and what the actual result is.
> <?php
> $key = 'key';
> $replace='<'.$key.'>';
> var_dump($replace);
> ?>
> The result is: string(5) "<key>"
> Which is as expected. Of course you need to check the HTML source, as
> your browser will display "<key>" as "", not being able to interpret the
> "key" tag.
> Markus
sheesh i'm a retard. i didn't realize that! :) cheers mate.
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