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Re: Version Control - What is the best way forward

Posted by Michael Fesser on 07/13/07 16:15


>I want to start developing a simple Content Management System and
>having done that before I know there is a point where you can't manage
>different versions of applications unless you have a sollution like
>version control.
>I was thinking of having something like one installation for the whole
>server, but some of you said that this might have security risks.

Depends on how it's implemented and used. My own framework consists of a
common library shared across all projects and some project-specific
extensions. If multiple sites are hosted on the same server and same
account, I only have to store the lib once for all hosted projects.

>So I've tried to look into SVN which I was told that will do what I
>like to do.

CVS and its successor SVN are used to maintain the source code tree with
a full version history. It allows to checkout working versions from any
arbitrary point in version history, while development and testing can be
done in parallel.

>So if I have 10 websites with one Content Management System and one
>development version that is tracked from SVN, I can then upload a
>working version, in all my 10 sites.


>The problem I am facing at the moment is I don't understand where the
>SVN should be running.

Usually on a dedicated development server.

>I use a Dedicated Linux server which is fully managed and I can't
>really play with it, otherwise I lose the support and ofcourse I don't
>want that to happen.
>And I am doing all the coding on a windows PC using dreamweaver for my
>text editor.
>Where would the SVN sit ? can someone tell me ? Is it worth to run a
>virtual machine or a second home PC as a webserver and testing
>environment ?

I would say yes. In my own LAN at home there's my workstation running
WinXP and Linux (whatever I need at the moment). In addition there's a
small Debian Linux box (an old Pentium 3 with 550MHz), acting as a
dedicated server. It runs a full featured Apache2 webserver with PHP,
database etc., some SVN repositories and a lot of other LAN services
(DHCP, NTP, DNS, fileserver, ...)

Development is done on the workstation using shared network drives from
the server (Samba) and the Eclipse IDE. After finishing and testing some
(sub)project, the files are deployed via FTP to the real public servers,
either by hand with SmartFTP or using Eclipse's own team synchronization
features, even if some of them are still a bit buggy.




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