Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/14/07 17:45
Robbo wrote:
> Hi,
> PHP - I'm trying to create a MySQL table like an existing MySql table.
> My PHP code is
> $query = "CREATE TABLE '".$new_db."'.'".$new_name."' LIKE '".
> $old_db."'.'".$old_name."'";
> echo mysql_error()."<br>";
> When I run in the browser I get -
> You have an error in your SQL syntax near
> ''forest_client_XXX000001'.'accounts' LIKE
> 'forest_client_fds000003'.'accounts'' at line 1
> The $new_db, $old_db and $old_name all do exist
> I have tried removing the quote marks and have tried to do it in
> MyPHPAdmin all to no avail
> Any ideas gratefully received
Try a MySQL newsgroup - like comp.databases.mysql. This one's for PHP
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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