Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/15/07 02:03
Willem Bogaerts wrote:
>> Hi, I'm looking for a good book on PHP design patterns for a OOP
>> beginner - Reccommendations please?
> Design patterns in PHP are rarely different from the ones in java or
> most other object-oriented languages. The main difference lies in the
> fact that PHP is usually used for web sites and must deal with the
> stateless nature of http traffic.
> Personally, I do not value design patterns that high. Most patterns
> emerge from code. Off course, it does not harm to learn from others, but
> a pattern is not a goal in itself.
> If you are an OOP beginner, I can recommend "Refactoring" by Martin
> Fowler. Not about patterns, but it does add to the feel of object
> orientation.
> Best regards,
I disagree completely. You can "code and go" on small projects, but
throw together 50 programmers for a two year project and it falls apart.
You need to have a design up front. And even small projects benefit
from a good design being (at least mostly) completed before the first
line of code is written.
The design is the road map to the goal. The code is the transportation.
And the code is the final product.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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