Posted by Steve Dassin on 07/16/07 00:19
Hello Ray,
Thanks for at least taking a look at the blog -:)
It's not my product, I'm just a very enthusiastic advocate
of D4. I 'get it', of course I get sql too -:)
I'm trying to generate some interest in it here but it's
like pulling teeth. Pulling people out of their sql
comfort zone is no easy task. At least the excuses are
entertaining -:) Introducing advanced concepts like a
'table', a 'row', a 'list' and extending the concept of
a 'variable' seems like anathema to the sql community -:(
I guess I'll have to be more aggressive in convincing
people just what the big picture is. Such confusion, such
misunderstandings. But eventually some, especially those
that have some understanding of application development,
will see what I'm talking about, get it and take the leap.
For those that see themselves as basically sql programmers
my job is tougher. They will need solid quality re-learning.
"raylopez99" <raylopez99@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 15, 3:10 pm, "Steve Dassin" <st...@nospamrac4sql.net> wrote:
> > "David Portas" <REMOVE_BEFORE_REPLYING_dpor...@acm.org> wrote in message
> > Let me clarify your thought - it can replaced if and only if MS does it
> > <cringe> :P -:)
> >
> > www.beyondsql.blogspot.com
> Best of luck Steve Dassin. Took a quick look at your blog, and D4
> product, and it looks like it has a lot of thought behind it (based on
> just a look and feel--I measure my cummulative exposure to SQL in
> hours, not years like you guys here!).
> Hope your "OO" SQL (from what I can tell) really does well--we need
> something more in the 21st century than the procedural, interpreted
> dinosaur SQL seems to be. Realising of course that even with a
> dinosaur language you can do serious work, as any engineer who uses
> "Perl" or "Matlab" will tell you.
> Maybe MSFT or ORCL will buy you out, just to keep your special sauce
> from cannibalizing their own product, LOL.
> Here's hoping.
> RL
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