Posted by kjk on 07/17/07 15:21
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 18:13:22 GMT, kjk <kjkREMOVE@usa.com> wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>Can anybody tell me how to modify the following code in order to make
>the popup window persistently float above all other windows?
><a href="javascript:openjukebox('audio/Memories and Messages.htm',
>'jukebox', 'toolbar=0, location=0, directories=0, status=0, menubar=0,
>scrollbars=0, resizable=0, copyhistory=0, left=10, top=10, screenX=0,
>screenY=0, width=300, height=120')">Memories and Messages</a>
>Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Finally, some real answers. Thank you Jonathan and cwdjrxyz, and for
the benefit of both of you, I will try to remember not to top post.
There was a time, back in the dinosaur days, when a technical question
on usenet would immediately receive dozens of purely technical
answers. Today, it seems, usenet has gradually moved closer to being
a kiddie chat site.
It is possible that I didn't state my question technically accurately.
The purpose of the above code is as follows:
I maintain a simple family website which includes some audio files of
family musicians, some quite talented. With very limited HTML skills,
I'm trying to put together a music player that will allow family
members to listen to those files while browsing the site, to select
the next audio file that they'd like to hear, using a window that
remains accessible at all times, while not interfering with the page
that they're viewing, while also not allowing them to capture the
audio file, some of which may be commercially viable. It's possible
that this particular use of a persistent window may even be acceptable
to the folks at alt.html.
The above code is the beginning of that process. I have no idea
whether this is technically possible, but I do know that in my early
computer days I learned a whole lot from usenet, so I thought that I'd
ask what I perceived to be an innocent question.
If anybody here can provide any additional helpful technical info, I'd
sure like to hear it. Thanks.
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