Posted by Darko on 07/18/07 14:31
On Jul 17, 3:24 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> eisenstein wrote:
> > On 17 Jul., 09:42, Toby A Inkster <usenet200...@tobyinkster.co.uk>
> > wrote:
> >> eisenstein wrote:
> >>> i read out an utf-8 xml file with greek or russian/cyrillic
> >>> characters. i can display it in the browser but if i insert data into
> >>> an mssql database -field is nvarchar(4000)- i only see ??? or
> >>> incorrect characters.
> >> This doesn't seem to be a PHP question. Try one of the microsoft.* groups.
> >> --
> >> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
> >> [Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
> >> [OS: Linux 2.6.12-12mdksmp, up 26 days, 11:22.]
> >> demiblog 0.2.0 Released
> >> http://tobyinkster.co.uk/blog/2007/06/28/demiblog-0.2.0/
> > this is a php question: i use php with ms sql server and use php
> > functions to connect to the ms sql server
> That doesn't mean it's a php question.
> You use HTML also - it could be an HTML question. You use mssql - it
> could be an mssql question. You use Apache or IIS - it could be an
> Apache or IIS question....
> I'll bet you even use a keyboard and mouse. Hey, it could be a keyboard
> or mouse question!
> The point is - just because you use PHP doesn't mean it's a PHP
> question. And in this case it isn't. There are a lot of other
> possibilities. You need to further determine exactly where the problem
> is.
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> jstuck...@attglobal.net
> ==================
I agree. Especially that most probably the problem lies in your
default db character set (encoding) setting. Most probably MS uses
latin or something like that, so you'll have to configure it being
unicode (utf8 or whatever you use in your file). However, if you used
postgres for example, you could be armed with pg_set_client_encoding
and pg_client_encoding functions which would probably be able to help
you solve the problem. Mssql, ... well, seems to me PHP is not
equipped to do the same with that. That's why I never use it - except
when working .net or similar.
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