Posted by El Kabong on 07/19/07 05:33
"Joel Shepherd" <joelshep@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
> Animesh K <animesh1978@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Errr, GNU just released Iceweasel. Ice isn't fire and weasel isn't a fox.
>> What is causing a new open-source browser (there were already so many to
>> test, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE6, IE7, Netscape)? Wasn't FF good enough?
> Microsoft has browser monopoly => bad
> Mozilla Foundation has browser monopoly => good
> Some days my head pounds ...
Mine too.
Remember when Netscape was "free" before they started charging for it and
then were forced by IE to make it "free" again?
Back in '94 and '95, the buzz was that Netscape is amazingly better than
Chameleon and "free" and the poor folks at Quartermaster who gave Andreessen
his start, were pushed right out of the business. Then, with Chameleon gone,
Netscape had the monopoly and soon brought out the brass knuckles, first
$14.95, then 24.95, then 49.95, and finally good ol' Marc was sticking it to
us at $69.95 a copy by late 1996. But good ol' Billy G. started giving away
IE with Win95 and soon Netscape was crying foul. (Don't you just love it
when the bully gets bullied?) and now, thanks to MS, any browser worth
owning is free.
In the meantime, the Mac fanboys have continued facing toward Steve Jobs
five times a day on their knees and noses praising any garbage Apple Corp
squats and dumps on them. Safari? Saints preserve us.
Now it's Ice Weasel?
Yep, I'm getting a headache... again.
End of my rant.
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