Posted by Bergamot on 07/20/07 14:17
Travis Newbury wrote:
> On Jul 20, 7:42 am, Bergamot <berga...@visi.com> wrote:
>> *User-adjustable type size* is an absolute must before I'd call Flash
>> even remotely usable for anything other than eye candy or other
>> entertainments. I don't see that happening any time soon. Do you?
> Virtually all accessibility issues could be resolved by the makes of
> the various browsers and readers.
Actually, I expect the reader to handle this particular feature, but it
has to be supported by the authoring software as well. Adobe hasn't
bothered to do anything about it either way.
> It is not just up to adobe, the
> browsers/readers have a stake in this too if it is going to be done.
They should set the example by fixing their own reader. eh?
I don't see what browsers have to do with it at all, unless they start
having native Flash support. Until then it's the work of the plug-in to
deal with it.
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