Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 07/20/07 17:28
Neredbojias wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 13:06:27
> GMT Jonathan N. Little scribed:
>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 19 Jul 2007
>>> 21:55:25 GMT Jeff scribed:
>>>> Is there a way to switch images at a specificed interval without
>>>> using flash? I have a page that has a photo in the center and I'd
>>>> like to to cycle through 10 other photos every 5 seconds (without
>>>> using rollovers). Can this be done with javascript or CSS? If so,
>>>> I'd appreciate it if someone had a page with instructions I could
>>>> reference. Thanks
>>> If you have a hi-speed connection, go to:
>>> http://www.neredbojias.com/
>>> ...and check out the slideshow. Any number of images, random
>>> display, no repeats per cycle. Image-completion check except in
>>> Gecko (because their javascript is demented.) Javascript.
>> Where is this slideshow? Cannot find the link in your menu. Curious of
>> how your are ticking off displayed images that Gecko cannot handle
>> it...
> Huh? Don't follow that last line at all. Sure you're not on a cached
> version?
Poorly worded vernacular. TRANS: How is your script marking images as
'displayed' as it cycles through the list?
> The slideshow link won't show w/o j/s and hi-speed.
Yes I do not have broadband, just wanted to check your script. How are
you testing my connection? Timing an image load then forking to direct
different content?
Take care,
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