Posted by Alex Kuznetsov on 07/21/07 00:43
On Jul 20, 5:49 pm, DA Morgan <damor...@psoug.org> wrote:
> Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> > (candide...@yahoo.de) writes:
> >> I met a SS-Professional yesterday and he told me to use stored
> >> procedures. As there was no time to waste I did so and it seems to
> >> work.
> >> Still wondering there's no Before-Trigger event in SS2005. maybe in
> >> SS2008?
> > I have not heard anything on that.
> > I fond a request for BEFORE TRIGGERS on
> >https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?Fe...
> > that you can vote for if you like.
> SQL Server is now the only major commercial database without them.
> Given how easy they would be to implement, Oracle had them in 1989,
> does anyone know why the delay?
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> University of Washington
> damor...@x.washington.edu (replace x with u to respond)
Agreed, but on the other hand Oracle fires triggers once per row, not
once per statement - and that can really drag performance. No RDBMS is
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