Posted by "david forums" on 07/14/05 17:20
Ok tx
And you mean that I can concatenate every chunck in the same file ?
And what about decryption, could I take the same way ?
Le Thu, 14 Jul 2005 14:25:48 +0200, Ahmed Saad <myanywhere@gmail.com> a
> hi david,
> On 7/14/05, david forums <dforums@vieonet.com> wrote:
>> So I need to know a way to be able to encrypt large file.
> function readfile_chunked ($filename) {
> $chunksize = 1*(1024*1024); // it reads 1 mb per chunck. adjust this
> if u need.
> $buffer = '';
> $handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
> if ($handle === false)
> {
> return false;
> }
> while (!feof($handle))
> {
> $buffer = fread( $handle, $chunksize );
> // do whatever with the chuck you read.
> // you can encrypt it and write all the chunks to the same file
> // (open a file for writing before the loop)
> }
> return fclose( $handle );
> }
> -ahmed
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