Posted by bermiferrer on 07/21/07 23:15
On Jul 21, 7:51 pm, "Giovanni R." <leonida1...@NOSPAMlibero.it> wrote:
> Since now, I've always used my bunch of code to make new applications.
> I'd like to start to use a framework.
> According to you, which is the best PHP framework at the moment?
> Thanks,
> Giovanni
> --
> See <http://snipurl.com/1olgl> for "Advanced PHP Programming".
> See <http://snipurl.com/1olgk> for "Ajax in Practice".
> Auctions are ending, so I'm now giving them away for only 0.99 Eur.
> "I bougth them on Amazon.com, I swear I'll sell them only once."
It seems that you're looking for a MVC PHP framework and not a Library
like others are suggesting.
I recommend you to have a look to http://www.symfony-project.com,
http://www.cakephp.org, and http://www.akelos.org. All them are MVC
frameworks based on conventions that follow the DRY philosophy and are
heavily influenced by Ruby on Rails.
Disclaimer: I'm the lead developer of the Akelos PHP Framework.
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