Posted by Norman Peelman on 07/22/07 13:26
Norman Peelman wrote:
> zach wrote:
>> Rik wrote:
>>> On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 07:46:10 +0200, zach <wackzingo@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm struggling to figure something out. What I have are thousands
>>>> of questions from 5 books of the bible in a database. The questions
>>>> are labeled with the book name, chapter, verse and type of question
>>>> as follows: X, B, G, A, M, R. I need to be able to select 11
>>>> questions of the G type, 5 of A, 1 M, 1 R, 1 X, AND 1 B. I need to
>>>> select them all randomly and display them randomly. I want to give
>>>> user the option to change the range of books and chapter from which
>>>> the questions are drawn from and the number of each type they want.
>>>> I have this mysql code:
>>>> "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE book IN ('Galatians',
>>>> 'Ephesians','Philippians') AND chapters IN ('G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'E1',
>>>> 'E5', 'P1') type='G' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 11)"
>>> Are you sure? I miss an ' AND ' before 'type'?
>>> It should work IMHO, if it doesn't, ask in comp.databases.<name of
>>> your db>
>>> --Rik Wasmus
>> Rick, your right, I should have copy and pasted but I was didn't feel
>> like opening the document again.
>> I added the 'AND' in there but notice how I run the same query but
>> change the "type='G'" to "type='A'" and I change the number "LIMIT" to
>> 5. I then use a 'while loop' with 'mysql_fetch_array() to print out
>> the results to the screen. The problem I have is that I use a loop for
>> each query run and the result is 11 of type='G' printed followed by 5
>> of type='A' printed to the screen, all in a row. I want the final
>> result from all the six queries to be printed to the screen in random
>> order.
>> $sql = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE book IN ('Galatians',
>> 'Ephesians','Philippians') AND chapters IN ('G1', 'G2', 'G3',
>> 'E1','E5', 'P1') AND type='G' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 11)"
>> $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE book IN ('Galatians',
>> 'Ephesians','Philippians') AND chapters IN ('G1', 'G2', 'G3',
>> 'E1','E5', 'P1') AND type='A' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5)"
> If you use:
> while ($query_1_data[] = mysql_fetch_arrray(...))
> {
> }
> while ($query_2_data[] = mysql_fetch_arrray(...))
> {
> }
> while ($query_3_data[] = mysql_fetch_arrray(...))
> {
> }
> // you now have three arrays like: $query_?_data[0]...[n]
> // merge the arrays together to form one big array
> // then shuffle (randomize) them
> $questions = array_merge($query_1_data, $query_2_data, $query_3_data);
> shuffle($questions);
> // now you can loop through them to display them
> for ($loop = 0; $loop <= count($questions)-1; $loop++)
> {
> echo $question[$loop][...]; // add your necessary keys here
> }
> Norm
Ooops, use mysql_fetch_assoc($result) or
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