Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 07/23/07 02:28
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 00:08:10 -0400, Richard McBeef
<cho.seung-hui@vt.edu> wrote:
>[various delusional snipped]
>> You uh, you *DO* know I have quite a number of pictures of my
>> apartment online:
>> http://www.meow.org/flonk/Because-Im-Crazy
>Self-ownage with pictures of shithole loser apartment, car, and dumpy
>corpulent visage. *shudder*. Anyway, nothing on that page asserts
>anything about you having your own place. You'd probably be better off
>claiming that it wasn't yours!
I have a great idea, let's see YOU post some pictures of where YOU
live and what YOU look like! ...oh, unless of course you're too UGLY
and PATHETIC...then I suppose you wouldn't want to go and do that,
huh? Really, more than anything you probably just have REALLY low
self esteem and you're very ashamed of the way you look and how your
life is, which is why you spend so much time lashing out at complete
strangers like myself, huh Richy? ^_^
>> On average I charge around $1,000 bucks a site
I guess that's the sound of you crapping your training panties.
>further self ownage!
You couldn't rightly be owned if you owned yourself, Numbnuts.
>fucking idiot.
Sorry, I'm not interested in having sex with you, Butterball.
>$1000 for a site is a joke.
You of course being the foremost expert in Internet marketing and Web
site sales...oh wait...no you're not.
>You just made up what you thought was a big number.
Keep dreamin, Fool.
>This is sheer proof you are a professional failure.
Gawd I hope so, I'm in it for the art after all, Dipshit.
>I have actually worked pro web design, son.
*pats you on the head*
Sure you have kid, sure you have. I'd ask you to step up like a man
and show us some of your Web sites, but then, we both know you don't
actually have anything, huh Mouth?
>$1000 is what high school kids charge for a 1 page pamphlet type site.
A "1 page pamphlet type site", huh?
*adds alt.html to the froup line*
No sense in being a greedy bastard, so I'll share your stupidity with
as many others as I can. Everyone should be able to have a laugh at
your expense, Dribbles.
>While I know that is the league you are in it is awkward and
>embarrassing for you to claim otherwise. At least consult with a real
>professional before making up your "rates".
It's funny, because if you actually had any fuckin clue at all as to
the nature of the business you would know that $1,000 for a small
business site is actually the norm. But then, you don't really know
fuck all about Web site design so you're not really expected to know
such BASIC things.
>> and usually produce at
>> least one or two sites a week (more so here recently), so I don't
>> exactly have much of a money problem. Working at Wal*Mart really just
>> lets me be a bit more picky about my clients.
>Shouldn't the income of 50-100k cited above provide that security?
>It would...if it existed!
Oh child, you really don't have any fuckin cl00 at all. You're going
to find out the hard way when you grow up that 50 to 100 thousand
is...pretty much nothing. I mean I guess maybe if you're as poor as
you are it'd seem like a lot of money, but those like myself living
way above the poverty line have expensive tastes. Hell, my migraine
medication alone sets me back by about $12,000 a year at around $100 a
pill. Satellite TV and all the channels, Pay Per View charges, gas to
cruise around for hours on end just for fun, going to the movies twice
a week with family and friends, going out to eat practically every
other night (not at McDonalds where you work, Numbnuts, nice places),
my wine collection, all the high end computer equipment, all the
Backwater Productions branded stuff I give away at trade shows and
conventions (t-shirts, pens, mouse pads, magnets, etc), cell bill,
online gaming bills, server/hosting costs, USP bills, ISP bill, car
payments, retirement savings, etc, etc, etc.
Sorry kiddo, but I'm not some poor ass fuck dribble like you. Also
I'm not working part time at Wal*Mart nor am I making anywhere even
remotely minimum wage (I realize if YOU applied at Wal*Mart that'd be
the only real option they would give you). What they pay me is often
times even MORE than I would make doing one or two websites a week
after you factor in overtime pay (management types are expected to
work up to 60 hours or more a week).
>> ...speaking of which I need to decide whether I want to take on THIS
>> site:
>> http://www.hardkoreproduction.com/
>Yup, redesigning the already terrible website of a smalltown machine
>shop should be a wonderful professional challenge. LOL.
Considering what there is to work with...yeah, it is a challenge. Not
that some punk assed tweenage muppet fuck on his summer vacation like
yourself would know anything about it. The best a drooler like you
could ever hope for is to molest some default cookie cutter template
designs in Dreamweaver...if that. You're good at running at the mouth
kid...but not much more than that.
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the
"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."
"Your Usenet blinders are my best friend."
"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"
"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my
"There are clingy things in the grass...burrs 'n such...mmmm..."
"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."
"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"
"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."
"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."
"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."
"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."
"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."
"There's a difference between 'bad' and 'so earth shatteringly
horrible it makes the angels scream in terror as they violently rip
their heads off, their blood spraying into the faces of a thousand
sweet innocent horrified children, who will forever have the terrible
images burned into their tiny little minds'."
"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."
"Those who record history are those who control history."
"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."
"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."
"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a
"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."
"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )
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