Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 07/23/07 13:17
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Michael Fesser wrote:
>> It's been a long time since I worked with Java and C++, but it looks
>> like you're right in these cases. I came from the Pascal/Delphi world;
>> in Object Pascal you have to explicitly call inherited constructors and
>> destructors.
> Object Pascal is not a true OO language. It's an OO extension to a
> structured language (and not a real good implementation at that - there
> are several holes in the way it is implemented). The ones I mentioned
> are true OO languages.
I may be getting too far out of scope here, but I seem to recall some
PHP guys getting all uppity about PHP not being true to OOP. Is there
anything to that, and if so, is it significant?
Of course - I may be thinking of waaay back when PHP stood for "Personal
Homepage Processor".
> No, Micha, it is improper OO. The base class is depending on something
> form the derived class. Additionally, in proper OO, A::data would be
> private to the base class. And the constructor for A would be called
> before the constructor to B ever got started.
I gotta say, even in my sophomoric understanding - that just makes good
OOP lives and dies on compartmentalization. If you build two
interdependent classes, then neither one can ever be an object unto
itself. That may be class-oriented, but it darn sure ain't object-oriented.
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