Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/23/07 14:27
Martin Larsen wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Wow. A WINDOWS programmer. So you've been programming for what - 15
>> years, maybe? And you've programmed for ONE OS? Wow.
>> And you wrote an interpreter? Golly, Gee, Batman. I guess that makes
>> you an expert on everything! ROFLMAO!
> Excuse me, but why are you flaming like this? Did I ever call myself an
> expert? Did I ever use bad language or something? Did I ever call you
> stupid things? Was I ever impolite?
You came across as arrogant and self serving. If you weren't trying to
prove yourself an expert, why come up with all of that junk?
> I really can't understand why so many people in these newsgroups are so
> hostile to each other. I think you should apologize, but I don't expect
> that you will.
Probably because you came across as self-serving and arrogant. And no,
I won't apologize for your arrogance.
>> The terminology they use is not important. The fact your tools ARE
>> derivative works is.
> Aha. A fact?
> Then please tell me why it is a fact.
You want legal advice, talk to an attorney. Any one who is familiar
with computer law will tell you the same thing.
But I know you won't.
> Sincerely,
> Martin
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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