Posted by Peter van Schie on 11/13/63 11:21
toedipper wrote:
> <? echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"6;
> URL=http://\"$dllink\" \">"; ?>
> This all work on paper but nothing happens. Basically I want to grab a
> file location url from my db and then start to download that file to the
> user. I am not sure if I am doing this right at all so help would be
> appreciated.
Hi toedipper,
Why are you adding double-quotes around the $dllink variable?
Try: <? echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"6;
URL=http://$dllink\">"; ?>
Also have you tried using header():
header('Location: http://' . $dllink);
Make sure to not output anything to the browser before calling header().
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