Posted by Gwin on 07/25/07 14:19
Ed Mullen wrote:
> Gwin wrote:
>> jakeatkins via WebmasterKB.com wrote:
>>> Gwin wrote:
>>>>> I'm trying to make an image that will cover all page content that
>>>>> scrolls under it stay at the top of the browser window, all within
>>>> [quoted text clipped - 10 lines]
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>> style it in the css
>>>> z-index:"value"
>>> Awesome, I notice using position:fixed doesn't work in IE6, but it
>>> does in safari. Any smart way of doing the same thing but for the
>>> bottom of the page, no matter what the size of browser window,
>>> having it stick on the bottom? Here's the code I used for the top:
>>> <img src="smred.gif" border="0"
>>> style="position:fixed;
>>> left:0px;
>>> top:0px;
>>> z-index:2;">
>> nope
>> ie7 will
>> ie6 won't and there's really no workaround i know of
>> try this
>> html {height:100%; min-height: 100%;widith: 100%;}
>> body {height: 100%; min-height: 100%; widith: 100%; text-align:
>> center;} div#footer {height:100%; min-height:100%; width:100%; bottom:0;
>> padding-bottom:2%; position:absolute; left:0;}
> About the only one can do is sniff out the UA and serve up a separate
> style sheet for IE6 and tailor the presentation to account for IE6 not
> respecting fixed positioning of the header.
<!--[if IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="IE6styles.css"
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