Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 07/25/07 19:06
Michael Fesser wrote:
> .oO(Sanders Kaufman)
>> Michael Fesser wrote:
>>> A constructor is not a normal method and should not be seen as that.
>>> Do you know for sure what PHP does internally when calling it? I don't.
>> Now THAT's an interesting point. But the PHP documentation seems to
>> indicate that it treats it as any other public function.
> PHP itself indicates that a constructor is a special method, simply
> because it starts with two underscores. That's PHP's common notation for
> its "magic" functions and methods.
Ahhh! See, that's where our disconnect is.
I'm very married to writing this in PHP4.
Later, if the project is worth it's while, I may port it to PHP5 and
..NET. But that's a big "maybe", with an "someday" qualifier.
If that day comes, GOD willing, I'll most certainly change it to take
advantage of the features and functions of those two design paradigms.
> In PHP 5 there's even some more magic for classes in the form of the
> interceptor methods __get(), __set(), __call() and some more. Of course
> you could call them by hand as well, because they're all public ...
I am so chomping at the bit to do this in 5! I can't hardly wait.
I'm hosted on APlus.net - and all I gotta do is check a checkbox to
switch from 4 to 5. Unfortunately, a combination of discipline and
obsessive compulsion prevents me from doing that... yet.
Using PHP4, I feel like a dinosaur; like I might just as well be using
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