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Re: Are PHP libraries linked dynamically or statically?

Posted by Henk verhoeven on 07/26/07 07:36

Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Henk verhoeven wrote:
>> NC wrote:
>>> On Jul 20, 5:30 am, Martin Larsen <>
>>> wrote:
>> (..)

> Actually, it does. Unless you have implemented a PHP optimizer, every
> PHP file is interpreted every time you load the file.

That may be true, but i was talking about function calls.

> There is no intermediate code.

IMHO either you are mistaken or the developers of php are, even the
primitivce Commodore 64 BASIC interpreter converted commands and
function calls to opcodes so that repeated execution of a subroutine
would not require reparsing of the source code. Loops often run hundreds
of times, I doubt if the current level of performance on OOP code (which
tends to make lots of function calls intersecting many files) would be
possible if all functions that are called from loops where reparsed for
every call.

>> "A consequence is that if you choose to use GPL'd Perl modules or Java
>> classes in your program, you must release the program in a
>> GPL-compatible way, regardless of the license used in the Perl or Java
>> interpreter that the combined Perl or Java program will run on." See
>> (The terms "use" and "release" may also not be what you think. Here it
>> becomes really tricky, i rather avoid making comments on that)
> Which has absolutely nothing to do with whether something is statically
> or dynamically linked.
>> BTW, running a program that is using a GPL-ed library on your own
>> public website might have consequences with the new version of GPL
>> (gpl3), see
> Again, nothing to do with the current discussion.
Again? Maybe the discussion has been narrowed to the technical meaning
of static versus dynamic linking, but Martin Larsen did mention GPL in
his original post, so i think the juridical meaning of linking *is*
subject of the original discussion and that i can help him by bringing
it back into the current discussion. The FSF FAQ are probably meant to
help non-lawyers to understand the juridical meaning of their GPL
license, they *may* have to do with the juridical meaning of linking.



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