Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/26/07 22:16
MZ wrote:
> Unfortunately it still doesn`t work...
> ==========================================================
> When the above code is being called everything works fine. But when I click
> on the other (didn`t mention in the
> above files) <a href> link which also has session_start() call at the
> beginning of the file, it the login.tpl if statement
> can`t let get inside the code and actual logged person is not displayed.
> Please help me
> Marcin
Ah, my mistake. You're using Mojavi - which I hadn't heard of before.
And I see their website is under renovation. I'm not sure how many
people here have used it - I don't think I've heard it mentioned here
before, although I could have missed it.
It will be a lot tougher to help you in this case. But maybe someone
who is using it (or has used it) can help out.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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