Posted by --CELKO-- on 07/28/07 18:03
>> Is it possible to pass a table as a parameter to a function. <<
Please read a book, any book, on data modeling, and RDBMS. A table is
an entity or a relationship. That would mean you have a magical,
super function that works on Squids, Automobiles, Britney Spears,
Geographical locations or anything in the whole of creation.
Or you have a bad design which you are not showing us. That is what Ia
m beting.
>> I have to access a temporary table created in an SP in a function <<
No, you do not. You just don't know how to write declarative, non-
procedural code so you are mimicking a scratch tape with a table that
appears out nowhere in your data model as if you were still using a
magnetic tape file system instead of an RDBMS.
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