Posted by Nooze Goy on 07/28/07 22:08
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Nooze Goy wrote:
>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> Nooze Goy wrote:
>>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>> Nooze Goy wrote:
>>>>>> I'm trying to use a blog client to write messages with "attached"
>>>>>> .pdf content to WordPress blogs. WIth the "Direct Upload"
>>>>>> mechanism, the attached files work for some types (like .txt) but
>>>>>> fails with .pdfs, with a message about an XML parsing error.
>>>>>> However, the XML code looks pretty good to my untrained eye, and
>>>>>> gives no errors when run through some verifiers , and there are no
>>>>>> errors in the httpd logs. As far as I can tell, this is using
>>>>>> Incutio's xml-rpc library, but I haven't gotten any response from
>>>>>> them (him) about what might be going on - the error message is not
>>>>>> too helpful ("Invalid procedure call or argument").
>>>>>> What steps can I take to get some more useful debug info?
>>>>> Maybe ask the WordPress support people?
>>>> What makes you think I haven't already done that?
>>> I don't know.
>> You don't know, but you jump in anyway with your assumption? Why would
>> you do that?
.... duhhh... you don't know that, either?
>>> But this isn't the place to be asking.
>> It's your opinion, and you're more than welcome to it. But it's not
>> your call, though, is it?
.... duhhh... you don't know that, either?
>> > I doubt many
>>> people know much about WordPress.
>> You are one assumptifying fella, ain'tcha?
.... duhhh... you don't know that, either?
>>> Whereas everyone in the WordPress support forums does.
>> Does what?
>>> Now if you have a question about specific PHP code, this is the place
>>> to be asking.
>> It IS a PHP code question, Jerry. It's obvious you don't know and
>> haven't taken the trouble to look at Incutio's code, you clearly don't
>> have any kind of answers, all you can do with this is make assumptions
>> and pontificate. Why don't you just go play somewhere else?
> Not at all.
Ooooh, look! An answer... unfortunately, a complete non-sequitur.
There's a shock.
> This is a PHP group.
> If you have a PHP question, what exactly is your PHP question? That is,
> what is the *exact code* you're having problems with?
> But you don't have any. All you did was come in here and ask how to do
> something in WordPress.
> Let me give you a clue
You don't have any to give, though, do you?
> - this is NOT comp.lang.WORDPRESS!
Since WP is an app and not a lang, it wouldn't be, would it?
> I tried to steer you to the right place.
No, you didn't. You made an assumption - completely unjustified, and
totally incorrect - that I hadn't already tried there, and instead of
actually trying to help, you started running your keyboard. Just like to
see your name, is that it?
>But you just can't understand.
I understand you're a dolt, who can't stand to not have the last word.
Why do you insist on making yourself look more and more like an idiot?
> The lack of other responses should have clued you that this is the
> wrong place.
The lack of other responses more likely has to do with others who might
have had a useful offering rolling their eyes and thinking "There's that
moron Jerry... again."
> But even though I tried to help you,
You did not. If you had wanted to help, you would have ASKED whether I'd
already tried any WP forums etc.
> you come down on me. You're no
> better than at troll.
"At troll?" Ah, the keyboardic equivalent of spittle flying from your
lips, eh?
> Get lost, loser.
You're not just rude, you're also aggressively stupid... and you seem to
be suffering from some sort of enormous inferiority complex, which,
judging from your completely worthless responses so far, is entirely
justified in every respect.
Since you obviously have no idea where to start with troubleshooting PHP
xml-rpc code, why do you insist on blathering your non-answers and
raving about WordPress?
No, wait... don't answer any of these questions, just go play somewhere
else, why don't you?
I'm betting you simply cannot stand to not get in the last word - I
actually have a $5.00 bet with my youngest son, who is sitting here
reading this and asking me "Pop, why are you even responding to this
jackoff?", that you won't be able to resist... you're not going to let
me down, are you?
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