Posted by Ray on 07/29/07 16:03
On Jul 28, 10:40 pm, Rik <luiheidsgoe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Both apps asume they know where they are running, which is bad, very bad.
> No fault/bug in PHP, just careless coding.
Actually, inexperience :-) as I'm (relatively) new to PHP.
> Usually I solve this problems bij require(dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php');
My mistake was assuming that require(....) takes the current URL root
as its starting point - for example, if the app is running at
http://www.myserver.ie/myapp then require('config.php') would look for
config.php at http://www.myserver.ie/myapp/config.php.....but you're
saying that it's actually looked for at the physical filesystem
location on the server (c:\documents and settings\....etc....
\config.php) - am I correct?
The other thing that I can't understand is why one app should
interfere with another in this way - is this an IIS thing, or can it
happen on Apache also?
Many thanks for your help.
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