Posted by rf on 07/30/07 13:19
"Darko" <darko.maksimovic@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 30, 2:37 pm, "rf" <r...@invalid.com> wrote:
>> "Darko" <darko.maksimo...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Yeah, it was stupid problem. I had a div that I put all the contents
> into, and made that div display:none. When the page loaded, I made the
> div visible so the user doesn't see elements arranging while the page
> is not fully loaded
I can only presume you make the div visible using javascript. That means
that the 10% or so of people who don't have javascript will never see your
div. Just like turning your server off for one month a year.
BTW coherant was a typo. We all make them sometimes. The polite people don't
notice them, except if they are in a web page up for review :-)
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