Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/30/07 17:30
sugapablo wrote:
> I have a website that I was moving from another server to mine for
> somebody. This website uses mysqli functions.
> mysqli extensions are installed on my Linux server, PHP is 5.1.6 and
> and MySQL is 4.1.22 (both higher than his server).
> All seems to work fine, but any statement that uses the bind (i.e.
> placing a ? in the sql statement, and then binding variables to it)
> does not work in my server, only his.
"Does not work" is pretty broad. What do you expect to happen? What
actually happens? What error messages do you get?
> Two questions, comparing phpinfo() on both servers, I can't find any
> differences that would cause this problem. Does anyone have any ideas
> on where to look?
> And two, does anyone know how I can echo the prepared sql statement so
> I can see what the final product looks like that gets sent to MySQL?
No, prepared statements are resources and can't be echo'd.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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