Posted by ^reaper^ on 10/15/89 11:21
While sipping absinthe, ThePsyko heard a loud sucking noise coming from
alt.2600, and hastily inscribed the following unintelligible Sanskrit in
> On 15 Jul 2005 in alt.2600, Onideus Mad Hatter
> <usenet@backwater-productions.net> made their contribution to mankind by
> stating in news:po3gd110illjvlljlohbile5o6f5hc5prk@4ax.com:
>> ...um, that's why God invented style sheets. DIV in and of itself
>> doesn't really do anything without style sheets. Really, there is no
>> sane reason why ANYONE should be using tables anymore, that's just
>> archaic, sloppy, imprecise web design at its best.
> Sure there is a reason.. I use tables on my site because I don't really
> care to take the time to learn something more when they work just fine
> for me. I'm not a web designer (obviously lol), and would rather take
> the time that would be spent learning CSS and use it to learn something
> I'm more interested in (such as PHP/mySQL or just about anything really
> :)
Yeah, yeah. Eye nose. Sewer won offer ebil serberside peeps eye herd awl
bout. Ooops! Nader mind. Sew am eye. ^_~
"Animals can be driven crazy by placing too many in too small a pen. Homo
sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself." -- 'The
Notebook of Lazarus Long,' Robert Heinlein
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